Time’s running out. Nominate our Basingstoke based Music Education charity to win £1,000 now!

The more nominations we get, the greater our chance of winning so ask all your friends and family to nominate us as well.We are a MUSIC EDUCATION charity supporting 10 Orchestras and Choirs for young people in Basingstoke Area, encouraging excellenc…

The more nominations we get, the greater our chance of winning so ask all your friends and family to nominate us as well.

We are a MUSIC EDUCATION charity supporting 10 Orchestras and Choirs for young people in Basingstoke Area, encouraging excellence and promoting inclusion.

£1,000 could make a big difference to the work we do supporting 10 orchestras and choirs. That’s why we’d be really grateful if you could nominate us in the Ecclesiastical Movement for Good awards. Your nomination could be the one that wins us £1,000.

The awards are designed to give eligible charities in the UK and Republic of Ireland the financial assistance they need to help them make a real difference. In total, 500 charities stand to gain £1,000 and we’d love to be one of them.

If we won this it will help us enable musical excellence and reduce exclusion.

It’s quick and easy to nominate us.

Thank you in advance for your time and support.

Anvil Concert 5.5.19 Photographs

Thank you all very much indeed for a thoroughly entertaining evening. All the groups performed so well and the audience was really appreciative.

The programme was perfect, with a fantastic variety and balance of repertoire and the massed choir members were obviously enjoying themselves and had learnt the music really really well.

A massive amount of work has gone in to this concert over the last two terms and it paid off spectacularly tonight.
Thank you all.

Amazing teamwork and a brilliant showcase for BAYO and for Hampshire Music Service.
— Jill Larner Head of Hampshire Music Service

Spring News Letter 2019 - Friends of BAYOC

Index of information in this newsletter

Anvil Concert

  • Volunteers

  • Uniform Exchange Reminder

  • Raffle

Inclusion Project Grants Update

Other Grants Received.

New Appeal coming soon.


We are lacking volunteers for this, Why not see if you can help out with on of the roles? Chaperone roles are front of house watching the concert with the off stage musicians.

1) Click this link to see our sign up form http://signup.com/go/WiehSQY

2) Review the options listed and choose the spot(s) you like.


Exchange arranged on line: https://www.bayo-hampshire.org.uk/concert-uniform-information


  • 1st Prize : £100 Cash.

  • Second Prize : Day for 2 at Beechdown Health and Fitness Club

  • Third Prize: Day for 4 at Wellington Country Park

  • and other great prizes.

Printed tickets will be given out at rehearsals, 2 booklets per member. if you would like more please ask. Please return unsold tickets, counterfoils and cash to rehearsals by the 3rd May 2019.


£1,000 donation received from the Sun Life of Canada - Brighter Life Fund.

Matched Funding status granted by Greenham Trust. (any online donations will be matched Pound for Pound). More Info here: https://is.gd/InclusiveMusicEd

Where events are organised The Charity has created a fund and process to ensure access is available to all BAYOC members and that no one is excluded due to Financial Disadvantage or Personal Exceptional Circumstance.


£214.35 FROM HCC Councillor Stephen Reid for catering equipment to make our Fundraising BBQ provision more efficient.

£396.47 from Four Lanes Trust for replacement percussion equipment cases and percussion floor mat.


We will be shortly be launching an appeal and making further grant funding applications to ensure we can continue to reduce the cost of education events or help the ensembles provide them for free, such as the recent PGL Weekend, and the Training day with Guest Conductor Colin Touchin.

David - Chair of Trustees.

Ensuring Inclusion In Music Education Events

Young Musicians who are members of Basingstoke Area Youth Orchestras and Choirs are expected to rehearse in their ensembles for an hour each week or bi-weekly for 2 hours. during term time. They also perform in concert at least 3 times per year often more.

Non - compulsory musical opportunities are also offered to support their musical education and ensure the quality of ensemble performance. These include workshop days, workshop weekends and Concert Tours. A fee is charged to attend some of these events others are fully funded from other sources.

Where events are organised The Charity has created a fund and process to ensure access is available to all BAYOC members and that no one is excluded due to Financial Disadvantage or Personal Exceptional Circumstance.

We recognise that individual circumstances need individual solutions. Where Financial Disadvantage is evidenced at a level where support would be provided by a Hampshire Education state maintained school if an educational trip was organised by a school, or where Exceptional Circumstances such as (but not restricted to) a familial crisis such as a death, serious illness or injury of a family member, the sudden loss of earnings of a wage earner or separation or divorce occurs then funding will be considered for partial or full payment of the attendance charge as deemed appropriate.

The Importance of supporting disadvantaged young people's music education was highlighted in February 2019 in 'Music Education: State of the Nation' a report by the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Music Education. The co-chairs Diana Johnson MP and Andrew Percy MP said:

" This report shows the scale of the crisis facing music education in England. It shows how Government policy around accountability measures and the curriculum has contributed to a sharp decline in opportunities for pupils to have access to a music education. "

** For more Information regarding this report see the additional information at the bottom of this section marked **1

A Survey of Parents / Guardians, Students and staff after a recent Residential Workshop provides further support for the need to create this project.

100% of respondents stated that it was important or very important that all members have the opportunity to attend these events. 100% stated that it was a valuable experience.

For further Information regarding this survey see the information at the bottom of this section marked **2

In the Music Commission report published on 4th March 2019 Sir Nicholas Kenyon The Chair, of The Music Commission states: The very stimulating discussions we have had as colleagues in this Music Commission have brought forward this one specific issue, that of progression. How can we find diverse routes of exploration, offering development and music learning that is supported and nurtured both inside and outside the formal education system, in ways that reflect the energy and diversity of today’s world? One of the findings from a survey within the report states:

Lack of opportunities and cost are seen by the public as the two biggest barriers to them taking their music further.

**For more Information regarding this report see the additional Information at the bottom of this section marked **3

Our Policy and system for considering individual support.

Policy: https://www.bayo-hampshire.org.uk/ensuring-inclusion-music-events

Additional Information: **1 Music Education: State of the Nation Extracts.** https://baccforthefuture.com/news/2019/new-music-education-report-state-of-the-nation-released

The report reveals that the English Baccalaureate system is negatively impacting young people from groups experiencing high levels of social deprivation. Students are discouraged from taking creative subjects in order to focus on subjects that form part of the EBacc. The Department for Education's own statistics show a fall of 17% in music GCSE since 2014/2015.

A similar picture is being played out in our primary schools where SATs are driving out creative subjects, including music.

Dr Alison Daubney, PhD Senior Teaching Fellow, University of Sussex and Mr Gary Spruce, Visiting Lecturer in Music Education, Birmingham City University said:

"Increasingly, music is marginalised in the school curriculum as the focus on accountability measures force them to make decisions which erode access to music education and diminish the workforce. In doing so, the evidence shows that music in the wider school and young people's lives beyond school is also negatively impacted. It is time the Department for Education recognise their policies are failing and they must take the necessary steps to ensure that sustained high quality music education for all is a reality and not, as is currently the case, increasingly the preserve of those families that can afford to pay for it.’

Deborah Annetts, Chief Executive of the Incorporated Society of Musicians In February 2019 in the report said:

"... never has there been a time when creative subjects in school has been more necessary. We are facing the fourth industrial revolution where creativity is vital. Music contributes £4.5bn a year to the UK’s economy whilst the creative industries is worth £101.5 billion. Reinforcing the gravity of the situation is Brexit. As a country we will need to deploy our soft skills more than ever and this means music and our other stand out creative industries."

**2 Results of The Workshop Weekend Residential, Survey. **


A parent recorded " My daughter chatted to others about how much practise they do and came home saying she is going to do more. She was going to stop Orchestra next year due to senior choir rehearsals at school but has come home planning to ask the Head of Music if she can miss the Friday pm choir rehearsals instead!"

"Musically learned a lot and more time to practice. Could get to know other people better too.'

"Intensive learning of pieces. Team bonding - getting to know the other players socially. Makes attending weekly rehearsals less daunting."

'Learn pieces better when practising for longer periods of time"

'Great time, felt worried before going but really enjoyed it'

100% of respondents stated it was important or very important for everyone to have the opportunity to attend. The effects of not attending the event were stated as:

"Don't learn the pieces as fast/ get behind the learning compared to those that went."

"Anyone missing from residential, impacts on the music we want to play and on other ensemble members as sometimes they have to play unfamiliar parts."

"Miss out on the rehearsal and ensemble bonding."

Shame not everyone could come as it would benefit whole ensemble.

** 3 Music Commission Report - Retuning our ambitions for music learning **


Items 4 and 5 of the 10 step plan: Outcomes for the 2020s

4. Financial support is universally available to support all music learners to progress beyond first access.

5. More collaborative models of music education are established, involving support for and between schools and relevant partners to help students to progress in music.

One of the Key Recommendations of the report.

The establishment of National Progression in Music Challenge Funds and non-statutory and philanthropic financing opportunities open to schools and local and regional partners to pioneer and evaluate new approaches to supporting progression in music and developing local and regional ensembles.

Further information from a survey mentioned in the report:

"Well-being, including personal satisfaction (58%) and fun (46%) are seen as the biggest benefits of learning music."

News and Information Autumn 2018

In this publication

  • The Friends of BAYOC is in need of a Treasurer

  • Uniform

  • AGM Notes

  • Charity Membership

  • BAYWO 25th Year

  • Discounts for Wind Players.

  • Top Cash Back Scheme

  • Grand Prize Draw

  • Christmas Concert at QMC

  • A note for new parents and guardians.

Our Charity: The Friends of BAYOC is in need of a Treasurer

Paul Lock has been our Treasurer for many years and now wishes to retire from the Post. It is a requirement under our constitution that we have a Treasurer.  Please contact the Chair - David Woods 07806 794439 or email friendsofbayoc@gmail.com if you would like to find out more about the position.


A reminder that Uniform Exchange or joining the hire scheme is arranged through the website.

  -> UNIFORM page.

Please ensure uniforms are requested at least 28 days before they are needed.

AGM Notes

We are in a comfortable position financially and In the last year we spent over £7,000 supporting the Orchestras and Choirs including the purchase of a concert standard electronic piano and additional percussion instruments and funding workshops and the BAYWO 25th year celebrations.

We have set a proposed budget for 2018/19 of £11,020 including a pre-approved £4,300 to support a European concert tour and 2 workshop days in 2019.

We hope that all families will support the charity

Membership of the charity is open to any person over the age of 18 there are 2 routes.

You are able to:


You can also support by signing up to our event volunteer mailing list.

Basingstoke Area Youth Wind Orchestra 25th Year.

Di Fuller has been running the Orchestra for 25 years and a celebration was recently held where current and old members came together to rehearse and perform a concert together.

Discounts for Wind Players.

A leading Wind Music Shop DAWKES of Maidenhead has provided discount cards which are available from the conductors. They can be used online or in person and once registered against your name will give discounts each time you shop. Discounts: 6% off accessories and 3% off instruments.

Top Cash Back Scheme

If you join TopCashBack you can save yourself hundreds of pounds per year - join using our click through link


When you earn your first £10 CashBack they will pay our charity an introduction fee. It's a win win!

Grand Prize Draw

We will be running a printed ticket Grand Prize Draw at the 2019 May concert. If you have links with or work for a business you think may be able to assist with prize donation, please email friendsofbayoc@gmail.com and we can provide you with further details to pass on to the business.

Christmas Concert at QMC

We are seeking raffle prizes and shop bought cakes and biscuits for this event. They can be brought on the day or passed to your conductor.

A note for new parents and guardians.

Our charity’s object is to further the advancement of the musical education of students at schools and colleges in the Basingstoke Area by the provision of facilities for the Basingstoke Area Youth Orchestra not normally funded by Hampshire County Council.

There is sometimes confusion between the role of Hampshire County Council’s Music Service and the charity, to be clear the music service run the ensembles,  hire rehearsal and performance space and pay conductors and assistants. They also receive the entry ticket money from any concert with paid entry that is re-used for the benefit of the Orchestras.

The charity supports the ensembles by co-ordinating volunteer event staffing and contributes to the cost of residential training courses and tours to reduce parental contributions and ensure that opportunities are open to all. We also buy new musical instruments for the ensembles, pay for repairs and replacements,  commission new works, pay for professional soloists and conductors workshops and maintain stocks of concert uniform. We have no paid employees and the charity is managed by 9 Trustees.

Concert at Royal Albert Hall

Some photo from the concert.