we follow the charity commission guidance: to enable effective governance, each individual trustee takes on an area of work, reporting to and providing guidance to the trustee body as a whole.


Sally wilcox 

  • General Planning

  • Meeting conduct

  • Spokesperson

  • Communication: Emails, Facebook, Twitter, Sign Up, Website, My Donate, Press releases and promotional material

  • Monitoring actions decided upon by the Trustees

  • Compliments, Comments and Complaints Policy - action, review and report at the last meeting of the school year.

  • Oversight of other roles and encouraging systematic processes are used in the running of the charity.

  • Authorising expenditure on behalf of trustees as per authority levels and agreed circumstances in conjunction with Treasurer and HMS Director.

  • Day to day liaison with Music Service Director and conductors

  • Data Protection


MArgaret Flitcroft

  • Accounts and Budget

  • 100 club (Day to Day administration Susannah Stanley)

  • Financial Control Proceedures

  • Investment Policy

  • Paying Employees Policy

  • Website access

  • Stripe

  • MyDonate

  • HMRC

  • Authorising expenditure on behalf of trustees as per authority levels and agreed circumstances in conjunction with Chair and HMS Director.


Emma Sylvester-Bradley

  • Minutes

  • Agenda

  • Apologies

  • Emails

  • Charity Commission Updates / returns (currently with the chair)

  • Policy Review calendar and records.

  • Compliments, Comments and Complaints Policy - action as necessary with Chair.

  • Conflict of Interest Policy - Action - Circulate for completion and maintain records, advise on policy review and issues on the last meeting of the school year.

First Aid Coordinator 

Susannah Stanley  

Main responsibilities

  • Create a record system for First Aid Incidents

  • Maintenance of First Aid Kit

  • Provision of a designated First Aider for each event as required in coordination with Volunteer Coordinator,

  • Advising the Trustees on requirements for restocking, training and current Guidance.

  • Maintain a list of trained First Aiders and plan retraining for resilience.

  • Ensure Compliance with legislation

  • Advise Trustees at meetings on incidents and a yearly report to be provided before AGM to include in Chairmans Report.

  • First Aider.

Possible extension to include Health and Safety Advice to trustees. 

Hospitality Coordinator 

Vacant posItion

Main responsibilities

  • Coordinating the meeting / meeting of VIPs at events

  • Liaising with HMS Lead.

  • Advice on any formal greetings to be used by people meeting VIP or from the stage.

  • Provision to VIP of refreshments / programme as appropriate.

Database Coordinator 


  • Creation of sign-in list for events.

  • Creation of an inventory of equipment in liaision with other trustees / conductors. - Uniforms - Instruments - promotional material - radios - BBQ - gas- catering etc.

  • Yearly review and report on inventory in July before the last Trustees meeting of the academic year to be included in chairs report at the AGM.

Raffle Coordinator

sally wilcox (ACTING)

Main responsibilities.

  • Having an overview of stock used at past events and keeping a stock where possible for future events.

  • Advising the Trustees on requirements for stock, cost per ticket and volunteer requirements for events.

  • Liaison with Volunteer coordinator to source volunteers and donated prizes.

  • Coordinate the collation and distribution of prizes and ensure equipment and the prizes are available for each event.

  • Coordinate purchase of raffle tickets and prizes as required.

  • Coordinate the setting up of the raffle at each event.

  • Reporting on Raffles (effectiveness and issues) at the last meeting of the academic year for inclusion in Chair's report to AGM.

  • Ensure Compliance with legislation (with guidance from the Treasurer)

Catering Coordinator

Sally Wilcox / EMMA Sylvester-BRADLEY (ACTING)

  • Having an overview of stock used at past events

  • Advising the Trustees on requirements for stock and volunteer requirements for events.

  • Liaison with Volunteer coordinator to source volunteers.

  • Coordinate the Catering purchases and ensure equipment is available for each event.

  • Advising on Food hygiene certificate requirements for roles

  • Ensuring Food Hygiene and Safety is controlled in catering areas at events

  • Maintaining in conjunction with the Volunteer coordinator a list of people with food hygiene certificates, and ensuring resilience by encouraging training.

  • Creation of Catering Policy

  • Inventory Review before July Trustee Meeting.

  • Reporting on Catering and review of policy, Inventory and BBQ Risk Assessment at the last meeting of the academic year for inclusion in Chair's report to AGM.



Main responsibilities.

  • Advising the Trustees on volunteer numbers and roles for events

  • Control of SignUp website and creating events

  • Maintenance of an online volunteer list

  • Reporting on take up of volunteering for specific events to enable planning / resilience.

  • Liaising with HMS Safeguarding lead (Chris Pott) to ensure roles requiring DBS are filled by those with current checks in place.

  • Generating signing in sheets for events

  • Providing Guidance sheets to volunteers via email in advance of event.

  • Creating and Maintaining a volunteer box for events, containing ID Badges, Radio Communications, Clipboards, Pens Laminated copies of Volunteer info / safeguarding sheets.

  • Encouraging volunteering and creation of sign up / skills sheet for parental completion.

  • Arranging meet and greet process for volunteers at events.

  • Arranging Training and keep records of those trained to enable resilience ie: First Aid . PAT tests. Lifeguarding.

  • Reporting on volunteering issues and review of volunteer policy (Online proposal), information sheets and volunteer number during the last meeting of the academic year for inclusion in Chair's report to AGM.

Uniform coordinator


  • Maintaining and ordering stocks of Uniforms

  • Receive orders and provide uniforms to members

  • Maintain records of uniforms issued and returned.

  • Report on stock at the last trustee meeting of the school year.


Chris Pott (Hampshire Music Service Director.)

  • Responsible for safeguarding / prevent for Music Service and advising the trustees on same.

  • Arranging DBS checks and maintaining a list of authorised volunteers.

  • Liaison with volunteer coordinator to ensure volunteers only carry out roles for which they have the correct checks.

  • Report on Safeguarding issues and advise on policy review on the last meeting of the school year.