Lead Trustee : Chris Pott email:
ADOPTED 8.2. 2018 Review Date 1/11/22
We recognise Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility.
This policy is designed to
protect children from maltreatment
prevent impairment of children’s health and development
ensure that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care and
take action to enable all children to have the best outcomes
As a charity working with children we only do so by providing volunteers in support of the Hampshire Music Service, as such we follow their procedures and practices as guided by the Hampshire Music Service designated lead (John Fuller) with approval of the LEA Hampshire Music Service CPLO (Helen Walton).
Disclosure and Barring checks are carried out by the LEA when it is necessary for volunteers directly supervising children.
As general examples
Volunteers putting out chairs for a concert, serving refreshments, staffing stalls or selling raffle tickets would not ordinarily require a DBS check.
Volunteers on residential courses, First Aiders or supervising children would require a DBS check.
All Volunteers will be provided INFORMATION FOR EVENT VOLUNTEERS before each event including some Safeguarding guidance and on the day role specific verbal briefings / training as required. The first point of contact for any concerns is locality lead John Fuller
We will also follow the national guidance contained within
Working together to Safeguard Children
'Disclosure and Barring checks are carried out by the LEA when it is necessary for volunteers directly supervising children.'
Prevent is one of the four elements of CONTEST, the government’s counter-terrorism strategy. It aims to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism. The Home Office works with local authorities and a wide range of government departments, and community organisations to deliver the Prevent Strategy.
As a charity working with children we only do so by providing volunteers in support of the Hampshire Music Service, as such we follow their procedures and practices as guided by the Hampshire Music Service designated lead (John Fuller) with approval of the LEA Hampshire Music Service CPLO (Helen Walton).
Hampshire Music Service includes Prevent within their safeguarding process. We will therefore do likewise.
{ 'If a volunteer has a concern about a particular pupil they should follow the Hampshire Music Service Safeguarding Procedures, including discussing the concerns with the designated safeguarding lead.' Source - The Prevent Duty: Departmental advice for schools ... - …}