Shop as normal using the card, it won't cost you anything extra but Sainsburys will donate 4% of what you spend to us.
Welcome to Everyday Fundraising from Sainsbury’s.
Everyday Fundraising is an easy and straight-forward way for you, our supporters, to raise money for our organisation. The process is simple. The first step is to ask your conductor to provide your Sainsbury’s Everyday Shopping Card.
Once you have your Everyday Shopping Card all you need to do is:
1. Follow this link
or use our shortlink
2. Click on the Register a Card button and fill in the details on the form.
3. Load your Everyday Shopping Card with a minimum of £50 using your debit card. In 24 hours working hours the funds will be available on the card.
With 1000s of choices from high-quality food, wine, Tu fashion, homewares, electricals, DVDs, CDs, books and garden products - every time you load your Everyday Shopping Card you are raising vital funds for our organisation without any additional cost to your household budget.
To reload your Card simply click on this link then click on the Existing Fundraising button. You can top up your Card or view previous transactions. For every pound you load onto your Everyday Shopping Card our organisation will receive 4%. You can load your Card as many times as you like during the month and there is no cost to you or us as an organisation. For example, if you load £100 per week which is the national average, we would receive £208 over the year towards the vital work that we do – just from doing the weekly shop!