Another successful Anvil Concert. The Performers and conductors should be congratulated on an excellent evenings entertainment - The performances really go from strength to strength, and behaviour backstage was excellent which was commented on by a number of our new volunteer helpers.
The charity have recently purchased 2 Cajon percussion instruments for the youth choir and we are sure you will agree they added extra depth to the performance, as did the excellent sound re-inforcement from The Anvil sound operator for all the choirs.
Cajons In use at the concert.
The Percussion ensemble also celebrated the purchase of tubular bells, enabled by fundraising efforts of the charity, donations from anonymous parent donors (hiding behind the instrument in this image) and local county councillor grants. Two councillors joined us for the evening... can you spot them?
We are immensely grateful to everyone who helped us out running the evening. The Anvil staff commented our concerts are the most well organised they have from a backstage perspective. Everyone plays their part, which may at times seem very small but each role is vital.
It is only by having sufficient help at the right times that we can provide this level of care.
We have so far raised £124 from the online auction. There is still time to bid as it runs for a few more days
Another 3 members joined our 100 club and many more forms were taken away. The 100 Club is a mainstay of our fund raising efforts and we are pleased to welcome new members at any time.
Programme sales went well and some CDS were ordered on the night. Neither of these items are priced to make profit they are produced as mementos. If you haven't ordered a CD yet and wish to please ask your conductor.
We also gave out - 19 Sainsburys shopping cards which if used when spending just an average of £50 per week will see Sainsburys donating £1,900 per year to the charity. If you took one please use it, if you haven't taken one please ask your conductor for a card.
We hope to see you at our next major concert day and bag packing You can sign up to help for any of ourt events from the front page of our website or here