It is our intention to hold a brief Annual General Meeting between the 1st and 2nd half of the evening Concert at Queen Mary’s Concert in the main hall.
Since our last AGM, 2 of our charity officers have resigned and moved away from the area, The position of Treasurer has been filled but the position of Secretary remains vacant. It is imperative that this position is filled as under our constitution we cannot continue to operate without a Secretary.
Our committee has halved in number due to children leaving the Ensembles and the sad death of Lynn Hunt.
Membership of the committee involves around 5-6 meetings per year.
Please contact if you feel able to join the committee in any capacity, This is not an onerous role, but is a necessary one.
If you can help at the concert you can sign up for a role online here:
We will not be serving refreshments or running raffle at the winter Concerts.
Historical subject to discussion
Charity Commission Updates / returns
Policy Review calendar and records.
Compliments, Comments and Complaints Policy - action as necessary with Chair.
Conflict of Interest Policy - Action - Circulate for completion and maintain records, advise on policy review and issues on the last meeting of the school year.