Notification of Annual General Meeting on 8th December 2024

We look forward to welcoming you to our AGM during the afternoon concert on Sunday 8th December!

This is expected to take no more than 5 to 10 minutes while the ensembles change over, and is an important opportunity for us to update parents and players.

The referenced reports and minutes will be posted here as they become available, which should allow members to read them and prepare any questions to raise during the meeting.

The current officials and trustees are happy to continue in their roles for another year, however please contact if you would like to stand (details are available here).

The proposed agenda is as follows:

  1. Welcome and Apologies

  2. Chair's Report

  3. Treasurer's Report (Balance sheet and Income & Expenditure Summary)

  4. Election of Trustees and Officials

    If no other nominations are received, the following trustees are happy to stand for re-election:  Sally Wilcox, Emma Sylvester-Bradley, Margaret Flitcroft, Diane Wagland and Susannah Stanley.

    The existing officials have indicated that they are happy to stand for re-election if no other nominations are received:

    Chair Sally Wilcox

    Treasurer Margaret Flitcroft

    Secretary Emma Sylvester-Bradley

    Uniform Coordinator Diane Wagland

    Safeguarding Chris Pott

    100 Club Coordinator Susannah Stanley

    First Aid Coordinator Susannah Stanley

    Volunteer Coordinator Emma Sylvester-Bradley

    Please get in touch if you’d like to stand for election (see here for more details) - there are several vacant roles which are currently allocated amongst the committee.

  5. Minutes of the Previous AGM

  6. Constitutional Amendment

    We have struggled to reach quorum at our AGMs since the pandemic, so propose to reduce the numbers required to be quorate at an AGM to reflect the current level of active parent volunteers. The original and proposed consitution can be found in the Admin And Resources section.

  7. AOB 

    Please send details of any other business to in advance of the meeting.