Anvil Concert 2015 - Another Great Evening

Another successful Anvil Concert. The Performers and conductors should be congratulated on an excellent evenings entertainment - The performances really go from strength to strength, and behaviour backstage was excellent which was commented on by a number of our new volunteer helpers.

The charity have recently purchased 2 Cajon percussion instruments for the youth choir and we are sure you will agree they added extra depth to the performance, as did the excellent sound re-inforcement from The Anvil sound operator for all the choirs.

Cajons In use at the concert.

Cajons In use at the concert.

The Percussion ensemble also celebrated the purchase of tubular bells, enabled by fundraising efforts of the charity, donations from anonymous parent donors (hiding behind the instrument in this image) and local county councillor grants.  Two councillors joined us for the evening... can you spot them?

We are immensely grateful to everyone who helped us out running the evening.  The Anvil staff commented our concerts are the most well organised they have from a backstage perspective. Everyone plays their part, which may at times seem very small but each role is vital.

It is only by having sufficient help at the right times that we can provide this level of care. 

We have so far raised £124 from the online auction. There is still time to bid as it runs for a few more days

Another 3 members joined our 100 club and many more forms were taken away. The 100 Club is a mainstay of our fund raising efforts and we are pleased to welcome new members at any time.

Programme sales went well and some CDS were ordered on the night. Neither of these items are priced to make profit they are produced as mementos. If you haven't ordered a CD yet and wish to please ask your conductor.

We also gave out - 19 Sainsburys shopping cards which if used when spending just an average of £50 per week will see Sainsburys donating £1,900 per year to the charity.  If you took one  please use it, if you haven't taken one please ask your conductor for a card.

We hope to see you at our next major concert day and bag packing You can sign up to help for any of ourt events from the front page of our website or here






Spring News Letter 2015

We are keeping you in touch with how FBAYOC helps your children's musical ensembles.

Online Auction


We are holding an online auction bids are open now and will close shortly after the May Anvil Concert. Keep checking back as we add more LOTS including meals out, spa days and even a cut and blow dry at Toni & Guys.


Make sure you are ready for the next concert.

How to Hire or exchange a uniform.

Supporting the charity that supports the Ensembles.


The charity has no paid employees and 100% of the funds raised are used to benefit the children in the ensembles.

Membership numbers have fallen.

We request that one adult from each family pays for: 

  • Membership £22 p.a.


  • 100 Club £15 per qtr

Further Information

Help Please!


We always need lots of help at our Annual Anvil Concert which this year is on 9th May 2015. We also need Adults and children to pack bags at Sainsburys on 7th June 2015. Always an easy and productive fundraiser.  Sign up online here

Buy and Sell Instruments

You can sell your instruments or find a bargain in our free listings.

Referal Scheme

Use our referal link to save money with TOPCASHBACK and we will gain a one off referal fee. Its a Win WIn.

Discount for Woodwind and Brass 3-6%

Quote 631291


Once registered you will get the discount everytime by phone, online or in person at DAWKES of Maidenhead. They will register the code to your name and address for future purchases.

Charity Spending 2014/15 We've spent £4,000 on Tubular bells and a pair of Cajons and have allocated £1000's to the recent music weekends and the upcoming European Tour.

Pamber Plumbers

will donate £10 to FBAYOC for every boiler service.

Info and Cost. 

Seasons Greetings

We hope you enjoyed the concerts on Sunday at QMC.

Our charity activities included the raffle which raised £414 and refreshment donations raising £248.  Thanks to everyone who helped out or donated raffle prizes.

We are going Carol Signing on 17th December starting at 6.30 pm at 11 Gloucecester Drive, Basingstoke.    All are welcome.  To Join in please sign up here:!/show

WOW! If you sign up to TOP CASH BACK now our charity receives £20.14 for introducing you, after you have saved your first £10.

It's free and simple to use, to save money when you shop online.  Use our introduction link when you sign up. 

We would love you to sign up and start saving money for yourselves.... We only receive the introduction fee which does not cost you anything. All the money you save is yours.

The December 100 Club winners were drawn at the concert.

The Top prize of £140 went to  Andrea Weston.   11 other winners shared the other 12 prizes.The full break down is shown in the attached image.

You can become a member of the 100 Club here:

We are currently submitting bids to Hampshire County Councillors requesting small grants are made to help us buy a set of tubular bells. Watch this space to see if we are succesful.

Please let us know if you picked up an A3 folder with music in it at the concert, so that we can return it to its owner.

Winter Newsletter 2014



We hope you are looking forward to the Christmas Concerts at QMC on Sunday December 7th 2014.

Our Charity is requesting your help as a volunteer on the day. We have broken the jobs down into easily manageable roles and time slots and would ask you to sign up online to help. 

Dont worry - If you have to back out later due to other commitments or illness,  once signed up, that can all be managed easily on line.    We use an online system as we have no paid employees and this reduces our admin time by about 80%.

Raffle Prizes will also be gratefully received.


We have had a greater than normal request for uniforms in the last few weeks.  Some sizes are running low. Please check your uniforms before your next rehearsal and let your conductor know immediately if you need a size change.  

At this late stage new members are advised to arrange hire through our online shop immediately.



Our online shop enables you to hire a uniform, become a charity member, join the 100 Club and even advertise your un-needed instrument.


Our chairman has been trying TOPCASHBACK  and has been comparing prices through the site  to externally available prices.  

We can confirm that you can save 100's of pounds just shopping normally through the  website.

If you join now you will also get a £5 Marks and Spencers voucher just for signing up.

Use our charity referal link and once you save your first £15 our charity will receive £15 Cashback for introducing you.     It is a Win Win, can you afford not to try it? 

Our Referal Link


Charity Membership has dropped this year and we hope that if you are not a member of the 100 Club or the Charity that you will consider joining. All the money raised goes to support the work of the ensembles.

Update from FBAYOC Charity AGM / Instruments For Sale / Help Needed

The AGM was held last night and members heard that the Charity and Ensembles have had a good year,  but that there were concerns reported by the Treasurer that membership income was down over £500 last year and it is projected that at current rates membership income will be down an additional £500 over the next year. 

If you have not joined the charity to support the ensembles this year, it's not too late to do so. Click HERE to find out more. Our hope that every ensemble player will have a paid up member of the charity in their family.

AGM Reports will be posted on the committee and individual ensembles website pages if you wish to read more.

No trustees resigned and Niki Lee was elected as a trustee bring the total to seven. Karen Bentall stood down as secretary and the post was filled by Deborah Lock.

Charity Trustees 2014-15 
David Woods (Chair and Past Parent) 
Paul Lock (Treasurer and Current Parent)  
Deborah Lock (Secretary and Past Ensemble Member)
Karen Bentall (Supporter) 
John Fuller (Director and Music Service Representative) 
Susannah Stanley (Past Parent) 
Niki Lee (Current Parent)
Charges were reviewed and costs of Uniform Hire, Membership and 100 club remain unchanged for 2014-15.
Our Free to advertise INSTRUMENT FOR SALE WEBSITE  is taking off.
2 clarinets, an electronic piano and drum kit are currently advertised. The Flute has been sold.
We are currently seeking 32 helpers for the Christmas Concerts. We have broken the jobs down into small chunks so that each job is not too onerous. Please sign up online. and provide raffle prizes if you can.
With the winter coming on and evenings drawing in don't forget to get your boiler serviced.
Pamber Plumbers will donate £10 to our charity for every boiler service for members. Find out more here.
We look forward to seeing you at the December Concerts details of all events can be found here.



Proposed BAYO Tour to Tuscany and Paris 28/7 to 4/8/2015

It is proposed to take the Main Orchestra on a concert tour this year. Exact details are to be confirmed.

It is planned to stay in a 3* Hotel in the Spa Town Montecatini Terme and to visit Pisa and see the leaning tower and visit the city of Florence.

Concerts are proposed in Florence and Montecatini.

After 4 nights stay it is proposed to continue the excitement staying for 2 days at the Jean Monnet Hostel in Paris.

John Fuller needs to have a depost of £60 from those intending to go on the tour by the 17th October 2014.

Please contact if more information is needed.