Notification of Annual General Meeting on 8th December 2024

We look forward to welcoming you to our AGM during the afternoon concert on Sunday 8th December!

This is expected to take no more than 5 to 10 minutes while the ensembles change over, and is an important opportunity for us to update parents and players.

The referenced reports and minutes will be posted here as they become available, which should allow members to read them and prepare any questions to raise during the meeting.

The current officials and trustees are happy to continue in their roles for another year, however please contact if you would like to stand (details are available here).

The proposed agenda is as follows:

  1. Welcome and Apologies

  2. Chair's Report

  3. Treasurer's Report (Balance sheet and Income & Expenditure Summary)

  4. Election of Trustees and Officials

    If no other nominations are received, the following trustees are happy to stand for re-election:  Sally Wilcox, Emma Sylvester-Bradley, Margaret Flitcroft, Diane Wagland and Susannah Stanley.

    The existing officials have indicated that they are happy to stand for re-election if no other nominations are received:

    Chair Sally Wilcox

    Treasurer Margaret Flitcroft

    Secretary Emma Sylvester-Bradley

    Uniform Coordinator Diane Wagland

    Safeguarding Chris Pott

    100 Club Coordinator Susannah Stanley

    First Aid Coordinator Susannah Stanley

    Volunteer Coordinator Emma Sylvester-Bradley

    Please get in touch if you’d like to stand for election (see here for more details) - there are several vacant roles which are currently allocated amongst the committee.

  5. Minutes of the Previous AGM

  6. Constitutional Amendment

    We have struggled to reach quorum at our AGMs since the pandemic, so propose to reduce the numbers required to be quorate at an AGM to reflect the current level of active parent volunteers. The original and proposed consitution can be found in the Admin And Resources section.

  7. AOB 

    Please send details of any other business to in advance of the meeting.

News Update Summer 2023

Click the Red links to visit recent newsletters

HCYO Auditions and message from Chris

View original Mailchimp email.


Take action now to ensure your child’s place at the

Hampshire County Youth Orchestra auditions.

-> Sign up closes 20/3/2023

Saturday 25 March 2023,

10.15am - 2.30pm

The Open Day is suitable for Strings grade/stage 4+, Brass and Woodwind grade/stage 6+, Percussion grade/stage 6+

If you can’t attend that date there is information on the form about alternative audition arrangements.

Anvil Concert and DBS clearance.

Chris Pott has asked that you sign up asap to help as DBS applications need to be submitted early to ensure they can be processed in time for the concert.

To view volunteer roles and timings use our Sign Up Link

Disclosure and Barring Service

Arrange your check online here

Previous newsletter information can be found here

News update March 2023


Original online version via mail chimp

Text only copy bellow

In this issue:

  • Diary Dates and Helper Sign Up Links

  • Anvil Concert and DBS checks

  • Ensemble Promotions, progress and next stages

  • Uniform Hire Scheme

  • 100 Club information

  • Carl Clausen - Hampshire County Youth Orchestra - Leaving Concert

Diary Dates

19th March 2023 Wind Orchestras and Percussion Ensemble Concert at QMC

21st March 2023 Committee Meeting at QMC 1930-2100

All welcome to attend.

Please contact if you wish to attend so that we can confirm the room location.

26th March 2023 Charity Fundraiser

Providing refreshments at Basingstoke Music and Arts Festival Concert at QMC 1 to 3 pm


21st May 2023 Anvil Rehearsals and Concert

From about 11 am at the Anvil - We may need need a van to move large instruments if anyone is able to help. Let know if you have access to a van and may be able to help.


18th June 2023 Charity Fundraiser

Providing refreshments at Deane Sinfonia Concert at QMC 6 to 8 pm


9th July 2023 Summer Concerts at QMC

Times and details will be confirmed on our Calendar when available.

Anvil Concert and DBS checks

The ensembles will need helpers during the day and / or the evening.

Helpers supervising children will need a Free Enhanced DBS check completed.

The simple process for you to apply for a DBS check is on our website:

It would also be useful if you are willing to help at events in the future to sign up to our helper notification system below.

SIGN UP to our helper notification system

Ensemble Promotions

Ensemble promotions on Facebook have been going well and have added another 10+ members to the new Rock and Pop Choir and a number of new player enquiries for other ensembles. Music Service have provided posters.

We are now moving onto ‘paper’ promotions to include:

  • Adverts in the Mayor’s Charity Concert Programme at the Anvil tonight.

    Some tickets are still available if you would like to attend from:

  • Displaying posters at Basingstoke Music and Arts Festival over the next four weekends.

    The Festival organisers are also looking for occasional helpers, if anyone is taking their child and feels they could help please let them know.

  • Providing posters for distribution to schools and shops locally.

  • If you have any in house publications or noticeboards where it would be appropriate to publish or display posters email to discuss your requirements.

Uniform Hire Scheme

Please ensure uniform tops are ordered at least a month in advance of any concert. All ensemble uniforms are the same design. Once you have paid £15 to join the hire scheme you are able to exchange uniforms as required.

Full details here:

In the case of financial hardship please discuss with your conductor how you can join the scheme.

100 Club

We would love you to join our 100 club in the Foyer of the Anvil at our May concert.

For those of you not familiar with a 100 Club, let me tell you briefly about it.

- It is a fundraising vehicle, similar to a lottery, to benefit all the ensembles

- The funds earned by the 100 Club will be split 50 / 50 to fundraise and to provide a prize fund for the subscribers.

- We are regulated by Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council

- Each subscriber is allocated their own number in the 100 Club and will keep that number for the duration of their membership.

- Subscription is by quarterly £15 standing order.

- Roughly each quarter the numbers for each subscriber will be entered in a publicly drawn draw.

- The winning numbers will each receive a monetary prize.

- The value of the prizes is dependent upon the number of subscribers for each draw, so it is not possible to give you exact figures for the prizes.

- Despite its name, we will not be restricting the quantity of numbers to 100, in fact our current aim is to achieve 200 numbers.

Carl Clausen Hampshire County Youth Orchestra Leaving Concert

If you were conducted by Carl when you were in HCYO and would like to play in the orchestra for his Farewell Concert on 29th April at Chandlers Ford Methodist Church, please read on and sign up here:
Ticket information available soon!



Overview of this email

  • Choir and Guitar Ensemble have spaces (No extra charge to join extra ensembles)

  • Highlights from the AGM

  • Discount Scheme

  • Lynn Hunt Musical Assistance Fund

  • Other funding for Individuals

  • How can you help?

For more frequent and general information we also post on our Facebook page. Some examples this month have been School Holiday opportunities with Hampshire Music Service including a Musical Technology Workshop, Rock/ Pop band workshop and a Summer Musical Theatre week.

A copy of each these emails will also be posted on our website newsfeed.

Reminder : There is no extra cost to be in more than one ensemble!

Why not try another ensemble?


Since January the choir has changed age range from 9-18 years and become a contemporary pop and rock choir with a new conductor Emma Rosso. We are actively promoting the choir and many new members have joined.

Sign up for a taster session at


The guitar ensemble is for players from Junior or Secondary School and of a Grade 1-4 standard.

Visit for more information

Highlights from the Minutes of the AGM

● All parents / guardians of players will from September 2023 automatically become members of the Charity.

● If you would like to support the charity financially, you can make a donation, or join our 100 club lottery at any concert. All support of any kind is gratefully received!

● Sally Wilcox (a current parent and musician herself) has joined David as co-chair with the intention of taking over the role fully by the next AGM.

● Several of our current trustees / officers are planning to retire next year after many years of service; in most cases they are keen to continue helping at events but no longer want to be responsible for the full role.

If you would be interested in shadowing any of the current trustees over the following year with a view to taking over the role, please email Details of what’s involved in the various roles are here on the BAYOC website

Dawkes Discount for Woodwind and Brass


More Information Here

The Lynn Hunt Musical Assistance Fund

Ensures inclusion to music trips, events and workshops for pupils with financial disadvantage or in exceptional circumstance. Confidential and no form filling.

More Information Here.

Funding opportunities for Individuals can be found on the music hub website

How can you help?

Since the Pandemic, player and singer numbers are down. Having more players and more ensembles benefits all. Share our social media posts and tell your friends about the opportunity to join in.

Bring your extended family to watch your children perform at the Anvil in May. Smaller player numbers and less ensembles make smaller audiences, so we need your help filling the auditorium to create the atmosphere your child deserves.

We are always on the look out for Raffle Prizes, so if you have a new item that you’ve been given that would be suitable or your workplace gives vouchers etc, you can donate them at rehearsals via the conductor.

Sign up to help occasionally on our helper notification system below.

SIGN UP to our helper notification system

DONATE to the Charity

Membership Information circulated in December

To ensure all have received this a copy has been placed here:

Players Code of Conduct has been replicated as a page on the website

The Friends of BAYOC

The Friends of Basingstoke Area Youth Orchestras and Choirs is a charity which exists to provide ongoing financial, administrative and staffing support to the Ensembles in excess of that provided by Hampshire Music Service.

The website for the ensembles and charity is to be found at :

Friends of BAYOC also has a facebook page, which you can access here:

Membership of the charity is by yearly fee or by joining the 100 club lottery at the membership table at any concert. The charity began as a parental supporters group and became a charity to maximise fundraising possibilities.There is an expectation that a Parent or Guardian of each player will join as a member

Event staffing and committee membership is provided by parents and volunteers. We have no paid employees and ask that all parents join our ‘occasional helper’ mailing list at

‘The Friends’ run a uniform hire scheme. For a one-time fee, an initial uniform of shirt and tie or blouse is provided and can be exchanged from stock or obtained by giving a month’s notice.

Charity Membership and Uniform Hire Shop Online

In the case of hardship the Uniform Fee can be waived at the discretion of conductors.

The charity has created the ‘Lynn Hunt Musical Assistance Fund’ to assist individual players (with financial or other difficulties) to attend workshops and tours that are charged for. Enquiries for support should be directed to Chris Pott, the Area Ensemble Director, who will make a decision in conjunction with the Chair of the Charity during a confidential discussion.

The Charity has also set up a fund to support the general running costs of such activitiesfor the benefit of all attendees.

Examples of our expenditure supporting the ensembles:

● Uniform Purchase

● Instrument repair and replacement

● Transportation

● Concert Tours

● Residential ensemble training weekends and workshops.

● Hire of a storage unit to store instruments and the Music Library.

During one fund raising campaign in excess of £8,000 was raised to pay for instrumentsand 2 years running cost, enabling the percussion group to be formed. We can only continue to support the ensembles with your assistance. A number of the committee members have notified their intention to step down as their children have left the ensembles.

We have broken down roles into easily achievable areas of work and would hope to enable a smooth transition into these roles by incoming members joining the committee. We are in a stable financial position but will need your support to remain in this position as we continue to emerge from the restriction brought about by Covid and reduction in player and ensemble numbers.

We need parents to step up now and show their support to ensure the future of the charity and ensemble activities. Don’t forget to support now by signing up to our occasional helpers email list at Joining the list doesn’t commit you to help but enables you to see what help we need and sign up when you can do so.

If you feel you can offer support as committee member or wish to contact us for anotherreason please email:

David Woods

Chair of Friends

Notification of Annual General Meeting 11.12.22 at 2pm and Reports for Pre-read.

We will be holding our AGM about 2pm on 11.12.22 during the interval of the winter concert. To keep it brief this will consist of prepared reports available for pre read.

As they are provided the reports will be prepared and posted here enabling them to be read before the meeting and time for discussion, questions, election of Trustees and officials and and voting.

We had to abandon and re-arrange the latest AGM as as only nine out of ten persons required under the constitution were present we were not quorate and could not open the meeting.

It is expected that two (possibly three) of our trustees will retire in the next year including the chair, (100 club co-ordinator - Possible) and volunteer coordinator. Other positions that will be vacant, Uniform Coordinator, Refreshment Coordinator, Website Manager. (First Aid Coordinator - possible)

If the Post of chair is not filled we cannot operate legally as a charity.

If the other posts are not filled we will be ineffective.

We are seeking help with the concert. You can view the roles and sign up here

There will be an opportunity to join the 100 club or pay for one year’s charity membership at the concert should you wish to do so.


Welcome and apologies

Minutes of the Last meeting. (at bottom of this page )

Matters Arising

Report of The Chair

The charity (formerly the parents /supporters association) has achieved a lot over the years. We are not the Music Service, do not pay the conductors or provide the Ensembles, but we ensure that they are supported to benefit your children.

From providing support through finance and volunteers at concerts, workshops and tours, to funding transportation, provision of instruments and stands, support for individuals, the provision of a website and uniforms for the players.

We have obtained grants, to purchase the Percussion Group Instruments and enable it’s inception and set up reserved funds (Currently £8k) to ensure continued support for workshops and the support of those members who financially cannot afford to attend workshops, residential training and tours.

Last year we have also taken on for the first time provision of a hired storage space for instruments and the ensemble music library, and have just agreed to fund the hire of a concert venue to support a Hampshire Music Service multi school singing project to encourage more children to join the youth choir.

However the charity is on borrowed time and survives mainly due to the good will of its core trustees and supporters. Recently volunteers for events have been readily coming forward, but we have repeatedly warned that we need current parents to join the committee / become a trustee, some have come forward but we need more today to ensure continuity and sufficient volunteers in key positions. Our Volunteer sign up system works well, but membership of the charity has fallen for example only 2 families have paid the £22 membership fee this year and 100 club membership has fallen….. In the short term the charity is in a good position financially, but made a £3,312 loss last year, and the budget projection shows a loss of around £2,000 next year. Has your family joined the 100 club or become a member by paying the yearly fee yet?

In the medium term we will need to raise more funds or cut the amount of funding we provide to continue to be able to support the ensembles in the longer term.

From my knowledge of our finance and activities our income is generally falling and our costs are rising.

2019 was an unusual year for income due to received grants and setting up the ring fenced funds without this our income would have followed the general downward trend, but our expected expenditure would not have changed significantly from that shown because of a tour.

Covid had it’s impact on income and expenditure lowering both, but in the last financial year our income expenditure trend is as I would have predicted and expenditure is now greater than income.

We all have our part to play in improving our financial outlook and assisting the trustees in the role to support the ensembles and ultimately your children.

Personally I am tired and 60 next year, my children left the Orchestras over 10 years ago, I have offered to stay on to assist Chris in his first year as Director but I will be retiring as chair at the next AGM. If someone comes forward as chair today, I will stay on as a trustee to support the transition. I’d like to leave the charity in good hands but only you can ensure this happens.

I am confident that we can reverse the financial trend and can continue to run an efficient charity to the benefit of your children but only with your help.

Report of the Treasurer

Explanatory Notes:

We made a loss at the Christmas Concert because we had insufficient volunteers to enable refreshments and raffle to be run, but still had expenses.

We made a loss at the Anvil Concert mainly because Printing Costs exceeding sales of programmes and hire of additional seating was required for performers

The end of year accounts shows a large loss for the Summer Event.

Much of the income was taken by card reader and the income was not received in our accounts until after the cut off date for the end of year accounts. The event actually made a small profit £188.79

The Charity acts as music service’s cashier for door takings at 2 concerts per year but does not receive any income from door receipts. Since we have started to use a card reader for door receipts (From the Summer Concerts) Our accounts also reflect £934 received on behalf of music service and passed to music service for door takings.

The Uniform Hire scheme is showing abnormally high income and reduced costs. This was an effect of the pandemic with uniform stocks increasing as pupils left the ensembles due to their age and new pupils joining in large numbers as concerts were performed after the pandemic.

Our Budget expenditure has been set quite low next year. Some years we have seen expenditure in excess of £10,000 per year. Music service are concerned with the costs of running the yearly Anvil Concert and may also look to the charity to support the cost of venue hire in the future.

Please do ask any questions in advance if possible, if you would like more in depth information.

Director and Conductor Reports

BAYOC Director's Report: ( Including Conductors report for BAYPE AND BAYWO)

The BAYOC pyramid has been slightly restructured this year with the absence of BAYO, so BAYWO and BAYSO are currently the most senior ensembles for wind, brass and string players. We are exploring all options to bring back the main orchestra as soon as it is viable.

In addition to our December and July Concerts at QMC and our concert at The Anvil in May, BAYWO will perform as part of Hampshire Wind Band Festival at The Anvil on Sunday 26th of February 2023. BAYPE and BAYWTO will also be performing on Sunday the 19th of March alongside ensembles from around the county. Additionally, this term has seen the launch of a vocal project in numerous Basingstoke schools to boost the membership of our choir, BAYC.

I am pleased to say that after numerous leavers heading off to university at the end of 2020-21, BAYPE has almost doubled in numbers and we now have 11 players in our percussion ensemble.

Key date for the diary - The Anvil concert that was originally planned for Saturday 6th of May 2023 will now be held on Sunday 21st of May 2023. This is because of a clash with the King’s coronation.

I’m really pleased with the musical progress made in our ensembles this Autumn term and I look forward to seeing and hearing how this progresses even further throughout the year ahead.

BEASE & BAYSTO Reports by Brenda de Souza

BEASE & BAYSTO now meet on Mondays in the Gym which is a much better space for us. Both orchestras have lost a few players due to the change of day though I'm sure we've gained others.

BEASE is thriving with 27 players including 10 new members. All are really keen & there's never a shortage of volunteers for our turn-taking activities and solo spots. We're enjoying the space in the gym so we can have more active quiz times organised by Gemma Potter.

BAYSTO is a rather smaller group of 14 players but they all get on well together & enjoy coming along. 


1ST November 2022/11th December 2022

Great to start a full season in person. Still used individual stands and socially distanced seating.

Membership held up despite losing several Year 12s, 13s and leavers for university. Aura Zealey-Smith stayed on to continue to lead the orchestra in her Gap year.

The plan for the year was to ease back into performing gradually, unsure of how the orchestra would sound. Also the orchestra had quite a few new members who had to acclimatise to the group and to the music played.

Repertoire was drawn from the music looked at online so that the orchestra felt that those sessions had not been wasted.

For the Christmas concert the orchestra played some Handel, Two Marches from his opera, Floridante, music from the film La La Land, the first movement from Joseph Bologne’s 2nd Symphony and the orchestra learned how to support and accompany Aura Zealey Smith in her performance of Ten Have’s Allegro Brillant. Amazingly they all rose to the challenge and learnt so much about their playing, both individual and ensemble. It was clear that the rest of the year would be very successful.


There was no residential planned for 2022 but it was proposed to return to the Music Festival in March, until the class structure changed. Unfortunately the orchestra would now have to play in the main orchestra class and not be scrutinised by a dedicated string adjudicator, as they had been for many years, in the Strings Section. Also the day and date was different which meant that many of the older players would have been unable to play. The orchestra may take part in 2023.


The annual May concert in the Anvil saw the orchestra help celebrate John and Di’s 30 years with BAYO and their retirement. The orchestra returned to a Scandinavian theme playing three Lyric Pieces by Grieg and a selection of songs by ABBA. It was lovely to have so many former BAYSO players attending the concert to play in the enlarged BAYO and some even re-joined BAYSO for the occasion.


The final concert of the year was again held in QMC on a hot Sunday in July.

The orchestra played quite a larger repertoire including most of the pieces rehearsed in the year to demonstrate how far they had progressed, including the first movement of an A minor violin Concerto, with Hanna Sieckza as soloist, and the complete Symphony by Joseph Bologne, known as Chevalier de St Georges.

It was an excellent way to end the first year back to some form of normality.


The conductor would like to thank all the players who rehearsed diligently, cheerfully and enthusiastically every Friday evening and for their hard work and excellent playing; also the parents for their continued support, the Friends, John and Di, and to Tori Eglin, who assists each week with helping with music and running the rehearsals.


The new season has started well with numbers similar to the end of last year and the rehearsals for the 2023 Christmas concert are going well.


Paul Timms


Report to be added


September 2021 to September 2022


BAYWTO performed at the Christmas concert, in The Anvil concert in May and at the summer concert. Our main focus for the year was the 3 performances of the piece of music I had had commissioned during lockdown. This was a narrated musical performance of the children’s book ‘Room on the Broom’ by Julia Donaldson. The music was written by Robin Scott, and I was able to obtain funding from my husband, Tony. Thefirst performance was a joint concert with the Romsey Area Youth Wind Band and the Eastleigh Area Wind Orchestra at Thornden Hall, with the narration being provided by Neil Reeves. We performed it on our own at The Anvil concert, where the narration was by Robin Scott, the composer. The final performance was a joint enterprise with the Basingstoke Concert Band in St Michael’s Church in July. This one was enabled for us with a booking by HMS: again, Robin Scott provided the narration. The performances were well received by audiences and I was pleasantly surprised that some parents of band members contacted Macmillan’s, the publishers of Room on the Broom, and questioned the permission for only 3 performances. Macmillan’s has kindly responded by giving permission for further performances and there is some interest from other bands for this year.


I look forward this year to continuing to provide new musical experiences to the current membership of 60 players.

 Serena Ludford


Mr O’Donoghue has been running the Basingstoke Area Guitar Ensemble since 2015. Membership is open to any guitar players who are between grade 1 to grade 4 standard from Junior and Secondary Schools in the wider Basingstoke area. The repertoire of the ensemble encompasses everything from Classical pieces to film themes to instrumental interpretations of modern pop pieces. We are currently in the process of expanding our repertoire further to include some world music pieces and even some simple jazz arrangements. We will be performing at the BAYOSOC concerts in December and July at Queen Mary’s College and we hope to play the Anvil in May. Sessions run from 4.30 to 5.30 pm every Friday afternoon during term time at Queen Mary’s College.


In the last year BAYC have performed incredibly well. While the numbers of the choir have not improved, the choir's vocal technique has come on leaps and bounds. During the Anvil concert 2022, BAYC sung a varied repertoire of The Audition from La La Lands, Pie Jesu & On Top of the World. These performances were met with wonderful comments about the quality of the singers, and how only 5 children could produce such a fantastic sound.

Unfortunately, due to unforeseen commitments, after Christmas I am unable to continue conducting BAYC. This is an extremely sad outcome, but I am hopeful that the choir will continue and blossom once I'm gone.

For my last concert conducting the choir, at the Christmas concert, I have invited ex-members of the choir to join us in revisiting some of our old repertoire. 5 have agreed to join us again for this concert, making them up to 11, and I am very excited to showcase this wonderful group.

I want to thank my very talented accompanist, Jo Chittey, for her unwavering support and fantastic piano playing. Lastly, thank you to the members past and present for always working so hard and singing beautifully.

Kind regards,

Tori Eglin

Election of Trustees and Officers

For the past year these were:

Chair: David Woods 

Secretary: Emma Sylvester-Bradley 

Treasurer: Margaret Flitcroft 

Trustees: Karen Bentall, Susannah Stanley, John Fuller and Glen Walton.

Policies and Procedures

These have been reviewed by the Chair and relevant Trustees and other than updating of some names are correct. Unless anyone informs the chair before or at the meeting, it is proposed that these are approved as fit for purpose for forthcoming year.

Review of Subscriptions

The criteria for membership is currently to be a member of the 100 club or pay a £22 membership fee. The subscription charge for membership of the charity has not been raised for many years. Historically it was set at a time when there was no charge by Hampshire Music Service.

Our need to raise funds has not decreased. At the time of writing we currently have only 2 current member families who have paid the £22 membership fee and just over 20 who are members of the 100 club. Other members of the 100 club are supporters or past parents.

The chair puts forward 2 options for consideration.

  1. Keep the fee at £22.

  2. Abolish the fixed fee and pass a resolution that from the next financial year, all parents or guardians who have members in an ensemble during the financial year are automatically members of the charity, and that they will be asked for a yearly voluntary donation instead, and that active supporters are also ‘awarded’ membership of the charity through membership of the 100 club or volunteering. Nothing in proposal 2 will change the responsibility of the Trustees in relation to the management of charity membership outlined within the constitution.

Uniform Hire Charge Review

This fee currently £15 ordinarily covers costs to run the scheme and the recommendation is that the fee is not changed.

Any Other Business

Date of Next Trustees / Advisory committee meeting.

Minutes of  The Friends of Basingstoke Area Youth Orchestras and Choirs.

Annual General Meeting 

2015 hours on 5/12/2021

The Main Hall, Queen Mary’s College, Basingstoke 

1 Welcome and Apologies

David Woods the chair welcomed everyone to the Annual General Meeting which covered the years 2019-2021 as no AGM was held during the Pandemic. 

2 Minutes of the last meeting were agreed as accurate and approved

Proposed Glen Walton  Seconded Margaret Flitcroft Resolution approved unopposed.

3 Matters arising

 DW Confirmed that Nicki Lee has resigned as a Trustee when her children left the Orchestra. 

Paul Timms question about Audio Download of Anvil Concert feasibility …will be dealt with at run up to next Anvil Concert.

4 Report of the chair …. Had been available for pre-read on line

Existing Trustees were identified to the meeting and Emma Sylvester-Bradley volunteered to become the Trustee Secretary of the charity.

5 Report of The Treasurer

These had been posted on line and there were no questions. 

DW outlined the main Income and Expenditure figures  for the 2 financial years  covered and explained that although income was down we have a reserve sufficient for a standard year operating costs and monies set aside red circled for members who need financial assistance to attend courses and tours and money set aside for events to further individuals musical ability. No questions were raised. 

Accounts approval Proposed by Glen Walton and seconded by Susannah  Stanley. Resolution approved unopposed.

Directors / Conductors Reports

had been pre posted online there were no questions.

Elections of Trustees and Officers of the Charity.

Chair: David Woods 

Secretary: Emma Sylvester Bradley 

Treasurer: Margaret Flitcroft 

Trustees: Karen Bentall, Susannah Stanley, John Fuller and Glen Walton. 

All were elected unopposed as Trustees and into the officer positions stated

Proposal Glen Walton

Seconded Margaret Flitcroft Resolution approved unopposed.

Policies and procedures 

reviewed by DW nothing raised  as needing changing.

Proposed Glen Walton seconded by Margaret Flitcroft  Resolution approved unopposed.

Review of Subscriptions for year 2022-2023 no change remaining at £22 per year.

Proposed Glen Walton seconded by Margaret Flitcroft  Resolution approved unopposed.

Uniform Hire charge review

To remain at £15one off fee to join the scheme. 

Proposed Glen Walton seconded by Margaret Flitcroft  Resolution approved unopposed.

Any Other Business.

  1. Bank Signatories and Bank accounts approvals

Banking: In accordance with 19G of the constitution regarding bank accounts. 

We formally agree that current Bank account signatories for our three HSBC accounts  (and any future  accounts that we open with any bank or building society) are:

David Woods, Karen Bentall, Margaret Flitcroft and Susannah Stanley

and that any two of our signatories can sign to authorise cheques payments.

Margaret Flitcroft  is nominated as Primary User for HSBC Internet and Telephone Banking.  It is acknowledged and agreed that the Primary User will have full access and authority over the HSBC account, authority to appoint additional users and no restrictions on what they can do using HSBC UK Business Telephone and Internet Banking, as appropriate. The meeting was reminded full details of what the primary user can do are set out in the HSBC UK Business banking Terms and Conditions and the Business Banking additional conditions.

Proposed Glen Walton and Seconded Margaret Flitcroft:  Resolution approved unopposed.


2. That if necessary AGM meetings can be held online in the future.

Proposed Glen Walton and Seconded Margaret Flitcroft:  Resolution approved unopposed.  

Date of Next Meeting  Provisionally set as 18th January 2022 at 2000 location TBA.

Meeting closed at 2030 hours.

Reports available as Appendix to the Minutes of 2021 meeting here:

Photos from Anvil Concert 2022

We took lots of photographs at the concert and have tried to get an image of as many performers and we could. Well done all for a very enjoyable concert. Great to se some many of our older members returning.

John and Dianne Fuller Retiring


After 30 years, John and Diane Fuller will be retiring from Basingstoke Area Youth Orchestra and Basingstoke Area Yourh Wind Orchestra. They will be conducting their ensembles at the Anvil on 8th May where we hope to have as many ex-members of both orchestras as possible, either to join in with some of the pieces, or just to watch from the audience. There will also be an opportunity for a social ‘get-together’ in the afternoon.

BAYO was formally known as The Basingstoke Area Schools Orchestra and John took over the baton in 1994.  Diane founded the Wind Orchestra since 1992, and she has conducted it ever since. The ensembles have played in some prestigious venues including the Royal Albert Hall and have taken part in The National Festival of Music For Youth and completed tours including to France, Germany, Spain  and Italy . They have both dedicated so much time and effort promoting youth music in Basingstoke .

If any ex- members would like to come along to play or watch please contact or go to the bayo website:

Ex players can also join the Facebook BAYO Reunited group ;

This concert starts at 6.00pm and is open to the general public and will include all the current Bayo youth ensembles.  It should be a night to remember so please come and support us. Ticket prices are £17 (£14 for students) including £3 booking fee.