Help with Storage Issues!

Due to changes coming into effect over the coming months, We need to source storage space, heavy duty shelving and archive boxes. This is to house Musical Instruments and Musical Scores.

This does not affect our QMC storage which is already full to capacity. 

We need about 85 square foot of floor space in a building. About 11 foot by 5 foot as an example.

We are investigating paid storage Solutions but before we go down that route we are hoping someone may know of another option. 

Email or 01256468444


David Chair of Friends 

Highlights of recent committee meeting

Highlights from the Minutes for the News Feed

● We held our AGM during the interval of the last concert, with coincidental record attendance... Minutes are available on the BAYOC website here.

● Di and John Fuller will retire at the end of the current school year, after over 30 years of active involvement with local ensembles. Please come along to the concert at the Anvil on the 8th May to give them a good send off!

▪ Di and John would love for ex-BAYO /BAYWO members to join this performance – if you’re interested please get in touch with them directly or via

● We would like ideas for how best to memorialise Lynn Hunt, who died a year ago. £1000 was collected and donated to BAYOC in her name.

▪ We have sufficient running reserves to support the ensembles’ planned activities.

▪ We maintain two ring fenced amounts for our long-term projects:

Supporting families to ensure that children aren't prevented from accessing music for financial reasons.

Promoting ensemble working by running workshops and other events

▪ We will need to invest in replacing instruments (such as the 25-year-old timpani) in the coming months

● We have decided to move the charity’s accounts from HSBC to Metro Bank, as a result of new charges and poor customer service.

● We have decided to invest in payment card readers for use at events, as fewer and fewer people carry cash.

● There was a really good response for parent volunteers at Christmas Concert – Thank You!

▪ We will need lots of helpers for the Anvil concert (sign-in, chaperones etc) in May – please keep an ear out for the call for volunteers closer to the time.

● New members may not be aware of the two ways they can support the work of the ensembles; you can either join the charity or become a member of the 100 Club.

● Our next meeting will be on Tuesday 5th April at 19:30 at QMC Conference Room, Central Studio.

● Please see our events page for details of upcoming events.

Minutes and Pre-read notes for AGM 5/12/2021

Held at 2010 hours at Queen Mary’s College Main Hall, Basingstoke.

1 Welcome and Apologies

David Woods the chair welcomed everyone to the Annual General Meeting which covered the years 2019-2021 as no AGM was held during the Pandemic.

2 Minutes of the last meeting were agreed as accurate and approved

Proposed Glen Walton Seconded Margaret Flitcroft

3 Matters arising

DW Confirmed that Nicki Lee has resigned as a Trustee when her children left the Orchestra.

Paul Timms question about Audio Download of Anvil Concert feasability … will be dealt with at run up to next Anvil Concert

4 Report of the chair …. Had been available for preread on line and was accepted without reading.

Existing Trustees were identified to the meeting and Emma Sylvester-Bradley volunteered to become the Trustee Secretary of the charity.

5 Report of The Treasurer

These had been posted on line and there were no questions.

DW outlined the main Income and Expenditure figures for the 2 financial years covered and explained that although income was down we have a reserve sufficient for a standard year operating costs and monies set aside red circled for members who need financial assistance to attend courses and tours and money set aside for events to further individuals musical ability. No questions were raised.

Accounts approved. Proposed byGlen Walton and seconded by Susannah Stanley.

Directors / Conductors Reports

had been pre posted online there were no questions.

Elections of Trustees and Officers of the Charity.

Chair: David Woods

Secretary: Emma Sylvester Bradley

Treasurer: Margaret Flitcroft

Trustees: Karen Bentall, Susannah Stanley, John Fuller and Glen Walton.

All were elected unopposed as Trustees and into the officer positions stated

Proposal Glen Walton

Seconded Margaret Flitcroft

Policies and procedures

reviewed by DW nothing raised as needing changing.

Proposed Glen Walton seconded by Margaret Flitcroft

Review of Subscriptions for year 2022-2023 no change remaining at £22 per year.

Proposed Glen Walton seconded by Margaret Flitcroft

Uniform Hire charge review

To remain at £15one off fee to join the scheme.

Proposed Glen Walton seconded by Margaret Flitcroft

Any Other Business.

1. Bank Signatories and Bank accounts approvals

Banking: In accordance with 19G of the constitution regarding bank accounts.

We formally agree that current Bank account signatories for our three HSBC accounts (and any future accounts that we open with any bank or building society) are:

David Woods, Karen Bentall, Margaret Flitcroft and Susannah Stanley, and that any two of our signatories can sign to authorise cheques payments.

Margaret Flitcroft is nominated as Primary User for HSBC Internet and Telephone Banking. It is acknowledged and agreed that the Primary User will have full access and authority over the HSBC account, authority to appoint additional users and no restrictions on what they can do using HSBC UK Business Telephone and Internet Banking, as appropriate. The meeting was reminded full details of what the primary user can do are set out in the HSBC UK Business banking Terms and Conditions and the Business Banking additional conditions.

Proposed Glen Walton and Seconded Margaret Flitcroft: Resolution approved unopposed.

2. That if necessary AGM meetings can be held online in the future.

Proposed Glen Walton and Seconded Margaret Flitcroft: Resolution approved unopposed.

Date of Next Meeting Provisionally set as 18th January 2022 at 2000 location TBA.


Pre read notes:

1. Welcome and Apologies

2. Minutes of the last AGM for approval linked here

3. Matters Arising

  1. DW Confirmed that Nicki Lee has resigned when her children left Orchestra.

  2. Paul Timms question about Audio Download of Anvil Concert feasability … will be dealt with at run up to next Anvil Concert

4.Chairman’s Report

Due to the Pandemic an Annual General Meeting was not held in 2020. 

It has been a difficult time in the last two years, and many will have dealt with illness and worry, and sometimes the sad passing of loved ones. Wendy Harding who was our  Trustee Secretary has left the area and resigned her position and one of our stalwart volunteer committee members and Assistant to the Junior Choir Lynn Hunt sadly died.

Other members of the committee and Trustees have left as their children became too old to remain in the orchestras and choirs. We now have the lowest number of Trustees and Volunteers since our formation as a charity.  

Remaining Trustees

David Woods Chair        Ex Players Parent

Margaret Flitcroft Treasurer  Ex Player 

Vacant Secretary

John Fuller BAYOC Director / Conductor 

Karen Bentall  Retired Headteacher

Glenn Walton Ex Players Parent

Susannah Stanley Ex Players Parent 

The charity has continued to support events as requested by the conductors financially and with volunteer staffing, but as is evidenced by the lack of raffle and refreshments tonight, we do not have enough people volunteering to be able to effectively cover the roles that are needed. 

We are in urgent need for current parents/carers to step up and get involved in running the charity and in particular the “Officer” positions (specifically at this time the Secretary) cannot remain vacant under our constitution.    

I may have no legal alternative but to call an Extraordinary General Meeting in January 2022 to discuss dissolving the charity if support is not forthcoming.

We have budgeted well and hold a years reserve of funds to ensure that we can operate during troubled times. We have not had to pay out large sums to support tours and workshops as these have not been run for obvious reasons. 

We also hold red circled funds for 2 project areas where we have obtained grant funding.

These projects enable us to fund or partial fund concerts and workshops and to support individuals financially as necessary to attend workshops and concert tours. 

We continue to support the training needs of our Trustees and Volunteers, and have paid for our Treasurer to attend a book keeping course to enable her to carry out the role efficiently. We will need to identify and have trained (if necessary) First Aid volunteers for our concerts, as Certificates have expired during the Pandemic.

It is our intention to continue to contain the ‘cost’ of membership of the orchestras by contributing to the costs of the residential courses and tours.  Although not compulsory, we are keen that all players’ parents and carers become members of the Friends via membership fee or 100 club.

I would also ask that all parents sign up online today to received notifications of help needed. You opt in to assist if you can, when you view the notification. Notifications normally go out 6 times a year.

On behalf of the trustees and personally, I would like to thank to all those who have given their time and effort in supporting the Charity and the ensembles and the conductors for their effort, enthusiasm and musical expertise. 

General Overview of the work of the charity.

The charity’s object is to further the advancement of the musical education of students at schools and colleges in the Basingstoke Area by the provision of facilities for the Basingstoke Area Youth Orchestra not normally funded by  HCC.

There is sometimes confusion between the role of the Music Service and the charity, to be clear the music service run the ensembles,  hire rehearsal and performance space and pay conductors and assistants, and receive the entry ticket money from any concert with paid entry that is re-used for the benefit of the Orchestras.

The charity supports the ensembles and contributes to the cost of residential training courses and tours to reduce parental contributions and ensure that opportunities are open to all. 

The Friends also buy new musical instruments for the ensembles, pay for repairs and replacements, commission new works, pay for professional soloists and conductors workshops and maintain stocks of concert uniform.

The Charity is managed by trustees who are assisted by an advisory committee. The charity has no paid staff. We have some parents on the advisory group which meets alongside the trustees, and I would encourage more parents to join us on that group with a view-to assisting in that way only, or becoming a trustee once settled into the group.   We have been unsuccessful in trying to attract a conductor or parent representative from each ensemble to the meetings. I feel this is important and we should continue to seek representation from all ensembles. The Trustees and advisory committee continue to have their meetings midweek about 6 times per year. Where possible we communicate and organise online using IT to supplement other forms of communications. This has helped us to raise the numbers of parents volunteering to assist at events, but there is still always a shortfall

David Woods, Chair  of  Trustees

5 Treasurer’s Report

See 2 financial reports at the bottom of the page.

6 Conductor’s Reports


BAYO were fortunate to squeeze in a successful Anvil concert for the Mayor just before the first Lockdown, back in March, 2020.  Since we re-started rehearsals, the players have played very well, and are looking forward to performing again.  Numbers are down, at 38, and not well balanced with only two cellos, although they are doing really well.  Unfortunately many of the players are in Year 13+ and will be leaving next July, but we are looking forward to a really good year.


We met on Google Meet from June 2020 until May 2021 when we resumed at QMC. Numbers have remained good, currently 29 & more interested. Anvil concert in May is our next big event. Gemma Neal continues to be a fantastic assistant.


We did not meet online but resumed at QMC with Phil White in May 2021. I took over this term. Currently 20 players - would like a few more. Anvil concert in May is our next big event.


We currently have seven members in the group, including three players who have newly joined this year, following a huge number of college-age leavers in the summer. As this is something of a rebuilding project this year with such a high turnover of players, I am intending to arrange a playing day for the group, to allow them to get to know each other a little better and develop their ensemble playing. This would likely be in the spring term, so that we see the benefits as we build towards the concerts later in the year.

Basingstoke Area Youth Wind Orchestra

 We had lost a substantial number of players over the lockdowns , but it is encouraging that we have had a pleasing influx of new members, including several graduating from BAYWTO. We currently have 41 players on the roll, and I know of another 2 who will be joining after Christmas, so we are building back.

We are currently working on a wide variety of repertoire, and are looking forward to performing again during the year.

BAYWTO restarted rehearsals online in October 2020, after a 6 month break. The rehearsals were well attended (40-45 players each week) and really helped when we got back together in smaller groups in the Summer Term 2021. Although there was no performance, it was lovely for us all to hear the pieces working so well.

In September 2021 numbers have increased again. Many have moved on to BAYWO, a few have left, and new players have joined, the latest new members joining just in November. We are now back to about 60, with a stronger lower brass line than for some time – 2 euphoniums and 2 trombones. We have big plans for 2022, as I felt that the players needed something to look forward to. I commissioned a piece of music from Robin Scott, and paid for it independently. It is a musical narrated performance of Julia Donaldson’s book ’Room on the Broom’. Macmillan Children’s Publishers, who own the rights, are allowing us 3 performances and no recordings. Concerts have been planned as follows:

1. A joint performance with Romsey and Eastleigh wind bands on Tuesday 22nd March at Thornden Hall.

2. A performance on our own at BAYO’s concert in The Anvil on Sunday 8th May.

3. A joint performance with Basingstoke Concert Band at St Michael’s Church on Saturday 16th July.

All concerts have now been booked (thank you to John for booking the Thornden Hall one). We are, of course, trying to encourage Julia Donaldson to attend.

All in all, BAYWTO has a big year ahead. And we can always move it on to 2023 if necessary….. “

Serena Ludford


BAYC is currently struggling for numbers, as we are down to 7 having lost quite a few during the lockdowns. Due to numbers, we don't have any extra performances planned this year, other than the normal BAYOC concerts. If anyone has any ideas to boost numbers, I would be very happy for suggestions!


Time line of events since last AGM 2019

▪ December 2019 – Christmas concert – QMC great success

▪ January 2020 – BAYSO/BAYPE Residential very successful again

 ▪ March 2020 – Basingstoke Music Festival – won the Calleva Shield – again!

 ▪ Encouraging and complimentary comments

 ▪ March 2020 – planned concert with Clive Fortune big Band – rehearsals went well, ticket sale slow and low, concert cancelled – COVID. Hope to reschedule the concert in the near future.

▪ March 2020 – LOCKDOWN – NO REHEARSALS to start with

 ▪ May 2020 – BAYSO restarts online with virtual rehearsals. Average 20 players each week. Stayed online for Christmas 2020 and Spring 2021. New repertoire learnt and performed virtually. Christmas 2020 – HMS Virtual Video of We wish you a merry Christmas.

 ▪ May 2021 – BAYSO returns to face to face with restrictions, social-distancing, own stands, 2 groups overlapping and lots of wipes and sanitizer.


▪ Membership down substantially due to 2020/2021 leavers and other factors


▪ September 2021– BAYSO returns as before and rebuilds with lots of new members. Membership is now promising and the new players are beginning to gel and start to play well together with greater confidence.

Paul Timms

7 Elections.

Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and Trustees.

8 Policies and procedures

Review of Payment Authority levels outside of purchases or budgets agreed within a Trustee Meeting. It is recommended the Authority levels remain unchanged at Chair and Treasurer approving Individual Committee Expenses up to £100. Chair Treasurer and BAYO pyramid head approving goods and service orders or payments up £500. Figures above these levels require the aforementioned plus email approval from other Trustees. NOTE Error by chair - un reviewed specificically for decision at meeting so will remain until next year:

All Policies and Procedures are published on the website should anyone wish to bring up any issues. These have been reviewed by the chair who recommends to the AGM subject to any one raising any issue that they are lawful and current and should continue without being changed.

9 Review of Subscriptions 2022-23

10 Uniform

Many hire uniforms have not been returned during the Pandemic when children left the Orchestras and choirs due to age which may mean extra purchase expense DW Proposes that the uniform hire charge remains at £15 in the year 2022-23 and that any shortfall of income comes from general funds and that hire charge is reviewed at the next AGM.

11 AOB

Banking: In accordance with 19G of the constitution regarding bank accounts.

It is proposed that we formally agree that current Bank account signatories for our three HSBC accounts (and any future accounts that we open with any bank or building society) are:

David Woods, Karen Bentall, Margaret Flitcroft and Susannah Stanley, and that any two of our signatories can sign to authorise cheques payments.

Margaret Flitcroft is nominated as Primary User for HSBC Internet and Telephone Banking. It is acknowledged and agreed that the Primary User will have full access and authority over the HSBC account, authority to appoint additional users and no restrictions on what they can do using HSBC UK Business Telephone and Internet Banking, as appropriate. The meeting was reminded full details of what the primary user can do are set out in the HSBC UK Business banking Terms and Conditions and the Business Banking additional conditions.

Trustee Officers position unelected:

Subject to decisions at Point 7 of this meeting It may be necessary to Propose that we hold an Extraordinary General Meeting to consider dissolving the charity.

Date Of Next Meeting.

Notification of AGM 5/12/2021 About 8PM

It is our intention to hold a brief Annual General Meeting between the 1st and 2nd half of the evening Concert at Queen Mary’s Concert in the main hall.

Since our last AGM, 2 of our charity officers have resigned and moved away from the area, The position of Treasurer has been filled but the position of Secretary remains vacant. It is imperative that this position is filled as under our constitution we cannot continue to operate without a Secretary.

Our committee has halved in number due to children leaving the Ensembles and the sad death of Lynn Hunt.

Membership of the committee involves around 5-6 meetings per year.

Please contact if you feel able to join the committee in any capacity, This is not an onerous role, but is a necessary one.

If you can help at the concert you can sign up for a role online here:

We will not be serving refreshments or running raffle at the winter Concerts.



  • Minutes

  • Agenda

  • Apologies

  • Emails

Historical subject to discussion

  • Charity Commission Updates / returns

  • Policy Review calendar and records.

  • Compliments, Comments and Complaints Policy - action as necessary with Chair.

  • Conflict of Interest Policy - Action - Circulate for completion and maintain records, advise on policy review and issues on the last meeting of the school year.

We Wish You a Merry Christmas video

This page will be updated as information becomes available.

Updated 22/11/2020

We are pleased to say that some of our groups are now meeting online:

These include Basingstoke Early Access String Ensemble, Basingstoke Area Youth String Ensemble, Basingstoke Area Wind Training Orchestra, Basingstoke Area Guitar Ensemble Basingstoke and Basingstoke Beginner Brass.

Basingstoke Area Youth Choir are likely to start online rehearsals soon.

BAYOC - We Wish You Merry Christmas - rehearsal parts click here

We hope that as many of you as possible will join in with this. You will be contacted by HMS with the backing track and information about how to upload your contribution - Christmas hats/jumpers etc will add to the festive feeling!

For more information about joining in, contact

Updated 22:25 23/3/20

23/3 : ANVIL Concert - 3/5/2020 - Cancelled



17/3 All Rehearsals at Queen Mary’s College are cancelled until at least the Easter Holidays.

The college remains open during school hours.

17/3 BAYWO Concert - Alton Maltings on 19/3/20 POSTPONED

17/3 BAYSO Concert - 21/3/20 POSTPONED


Charity Trustee Meetings: Temporarily Suspended

Video Block
Double-click here to add a video by URL or embed code. Learn more

Sing Musicals Day 22nd September 2019 - 2 sessions for Junior and Secondary Age Group.

Book a Free Space on our Sing Musicals Day on Sunday 22nd September 2019 with Vocal Coach Heather Davies and the staff from our choirs. There will be an Informal Performance for Parents at 3.30 pm.

10am to 4 pm - Young People in Secondary Education ( Free BBQ lunch will be provided.)

1pm to 4pm - Children of Junior School Age. (Free Ice cream and drink will be provided.)

Link to Book Your Ticket or Join the Waiting List.

Secondary Age ->

Junior Age ->

Venue: Hatch Warren Infant School, Gershwin Road, Basingstoke. RG224PH.

Enquiries to

Find out more about our Choirs:



Pre-order Cream Tea or BBQ Food for the concerts on 14th July 2019.

This year we are running a series of concerts with seating at tables in The QMC hall where cream teas can be eaten during the concert.

Please preorder your food and pay on the day.

For the afternoon concerts there will be a Fruit Scone (half scone for Children’s meal ) and jam, cream and a hot drink or cold drink.

Cost £2.50 Adult and £2 Child.

From 5.30PM between the last afternoon concert and the evening concert there will be the opportunity to socialise whilst enjoying BBQ food.

£3 per 6oz Burger, 2 Cumberland Sausages or Vegetarian alternative in a roll.

Pre- ordering will allow us to reduce waste and ensure food is ready at the right time.